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Tuesday 20 October 2015

Life Lessons|Sewing for the Otherwise Unequipped Goth

When I was perhaps fourteen or fifteen-years-old, I attended a physics lesson I still carry with me to this day. Our tutor was a highly intelligent and witty man from Liverpool, and was teaching us what was basically a side-comment on engineering.

He delivered an anecdote from his infancy; a fuse had blown in a plug at home and he was the only male of the house. Lacking any means of information on how to change a fuse, he opened the plug up and had a look at it.

That was the lesson he taught us which I have held so close ever since: if you are completely clueless as to how something works, pull it apart and put it back together again.

That, and 'brown = live' followig a similar anecdote concerning a tramp's worm infested diarrhoea.

You will need:

  • Seam-ripper
  • Scissors 
  • an old/thrifted item of clothing you wish to replicate

With this in mind, how does this relate for beginner's sewing? If you don't know how to draft a pattern for something  you desperately want a pattern for, take apart a similar item of clothing (typically a thrifted/charity shop item), lay the pieces together as you take them apart - whilst numbering them with chalk, ideally - and before you do anything else, record the pieces, order and measurements of each piece. This is to ensure that if any pieces do get mixed up, you will easily be able to soon fix the mistake.

*note: you will want to keep the appearance of the garment unchanged, as to avoid both ruining the garment and losing out on a pattern

The case may be that you find an item of clothing which is nearly wonderful, but the colour is significantly faded; or you find a perfect thing with fabric so old it is threadbare. To replicate, or even base, a pattern on said items could be ideal.

The world is, proverbially, your oyster in the case of carefully destroying clothing!

Here's an article which some may be familiar with already from Antimony and Lace, explaining this point more succinctly than I ever could! Really, I'm just reinforcing the idea P: not pilfering!

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